Straightforward Pre-intermediate Workbook with key +CD

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Workbook with key +CD - Philip Kerr , Matthew Jones
Carte disponibila in libraria online ishop.roStraightforward Pre-intermediate Workbook with key +CD
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Descriere carte:
Straightforward is a multi-level course for adults and young adults. Based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom, Straightforward is transparent in its structure, pragmatic in its methodology and varied in its content.

- Lesson-by-lesson consolodation material
- Extra reding texts
- Six realistic and carefully graded writing tasks for use in the classroom or at home.
- "Test youself" sections for students to monitor their progress
- Audio CD with dictation exercises and audio versions of reading texts
- Short story by John Milne
- Available with or without key.

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