Much ado for nothing

Much ado for nothing - Shakespeare
Carte disponibila in libraria online ishop.roMuch ado for nothing
Comanda acum "Much ado for nothing - Shakespeare" de pe libraria ishop la pretul de 43,90 lei
Descriere carte:
When Don Pedro's soliders return from battle, their thoughts quickly turn to love and mischief. Claudio sets his sights on the Governor's daughter, Hero. The villainous Don John plots to stop him. And although Benedick and Beatrice quarrel bitterly, their friends are in the mood for matchmaking.
Will Don John really trick Claudio into belivin that Hero has been unfaithful?
Can Beatrice and Benedick ever be brought together?
And can the bumbling night watchmen bring about a happy ending?

Longman School Shakespeare:
~Dramatic photography
~Unrivalled design
~Easy-to-use glossaries and summaries
~Questions focused on interpretation and performance
~Activities that bring the play to life

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