Inspiration Teacher's Book 1

Inspiration Teacher's Book 1 - Amanda Bailey , Peter Smith
Carte disponibila in libraria online ishop.roInspiration Teacher's Book 1
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Descriere carte:
Inspiration is a motivating and sophisticated four-level course which takes teenagers from beginner to intermediate level. It is a course that envolves with its students, the topics reflecting teenagers changing needs and interests.

The Teacher's Book provides step-by-step notes for all the lessons in the Student's Book, as well as:
-an introduction to the key ideas and features of the course
-a wide range of extra optional activities which can be given to less confident learners of fast finishers
-many ideas for warmers, follow-up activities and homework
-additional cultural information to answer those difficult questions
-tapescripts and full answer keys
-weblinks for follow-up work on the Internet
-Workbook answer key
-teaching notes for the Workbook story

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