Bucharest and Whereabouts

Bucharest and Whereabouts - ***
Carte disponibila in libraria online ishop.roBucharest and Whereabouts
  • Autor: ***
  • Editura: House of Guides
  • Colectia:
  • Categoria: Ghiduri si atlase
  • ISBN: 978-606-513-122-5
  • An aparitie: 2009
  • Numar de pagini: 132
  • Format carte: 11,5 x 21 + harta 32 mm
Comanda acum "Bucharest and Whereabouts - ***" de pe libraria ishop la pretul de 34,67 lei
Descriere carte:
* A guide showing a less knowing Bucharest, with lots of tourist attractions worth to be seen. * A guide that only sugegests, leaving the tourist to discover beautiful places by his own. * A guide for the fist time comer, but also for the one who keeps coming back, willing to find each time something new.

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