T.s. Eliot

T.s. Eliot - Liliana Pop
Carte disponibila in libraria online ishop.roT.s. Eliot
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Eliot s complete poems make up a corpus that offers apparently contradictory poems at first sight. It presents poems that are a delightful instance of witty-cum-melancholy poetry, poems known by heart by lovers of poetry (Prufrock). It offers poems that show Eliots toil and success in mastering a technique - regular verse - that he himself contributed towards demolishing (the Quatrain poems). It offers, above all, a symphonic poem that was acclaimed by a whole generation as the poetic banner of its post-war despair, while criticism acclaimed it as the key modernist poem (The Waste Land). It offers also poems that put an unexpectedly despondent slant on Biblical excerpts (Ariel Poems); self-denying, self-torturing poems of unexpected devotion (the Ash Wednesday suite); philosophical poems of vast orchestration (The Four Quartets). Reading these incredibly varied poems as a simultaneous search for the poetic word and the religious Word can offer the satisfaction of finding their underlying unity.

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