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Ready for Exams. For baccalaureate and students’ contests
![Ready for Exams. For baccalaureate and students’ contests - Alina-Antoanela Craciun-Stefaniu, Radu Lupuleasa](
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![Ready for Exams. For baccalaureate and students’ contests](
- Autor: Alina-Antoanela Craciun-Stefaniu, Radu Lupuleasa
- Editura: Polirom
- Colectia: Bac
- Categoria: Bacalaureat
- ISBN: 973-683-618-5
- An aparitie: 2001
- Numar de pagini: 248
- Format carte: 160 x 235 mm
Descriere carte:
Lucrarea se adreseaza elevilor care sustin examenul de bacalaureat, celor care se pregatesc pentru olimpiadele scolare, cit si profesorilor de limba engleza.Cuprins: The anglo-saxon period ? The middle english period ? The english renaissance ? The neo-classic period ? Romanticism ? The victorian age ? Modern times ? The american novel after the first world war ? British and american prose after the second world war ? Postmodernism ? New poetry ? British and american drama in the 20th century ? The theatre of the absurd in british and american literature ? General communication topics ? Vocabulary in context ? Reading comprehension ? Grammar practice ? Free writing ? The key to the exercises
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