Speakout Pre-Intermediate Level Teacher's Book

Speakout Pre-Intermediate Level Teacher's Book - Clare Antonia
Carte disponibila in libraria online ishop.roSpeakout Pre-Intermediate Level Teacher's Book
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Descriere carte:
Comprehensive, multi-strand approach to language development with a strong focus on real-life communication skills. Offers downloadable video podcasts of real-life interviews filmed by the BBC provide learners with models of authentic English as it is really spoken. A rich variety of print and digitally delivered supplementary materials. Authentic DVD material from the BBC provides the springboard for meaningful speaking and writing tasks. The Active Book is a digital coursebook with a wealth of extra resources for students. Easy navigation of Student's Book pages with zoom in facility. Video and Audio available at the touch of a button. Students are able to store their notes with the Active Book note taking facility. Extra video podcasts with accompanying worksheets

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